Helping Companies Donate Furniture, Equipment & Materials
Social Value, Net Zero & Circular Economy Benefits
Collecteco partners with companies across the UK to generate social value, net zero and circular economy benefits by donating furniture, equipment and materials to charities, schools, community groups, NHS trusts and other not for profit good causes.
We donate our clients’ surplus kit to 1,000s of good causes across the UK who are actively searching for furniture, equipment and material donations.
We report back on the social value, net zero and circular economy benefits of every donation project and detail where clients’ donations have supported the community. We are also happy to directly introduce our clients to recipient good causes for further social value opportunities.
Please get in touch if your company has surplus furniture, equipment and materials to donate to good causes across the UK.
Why Donate Surplus Furniture?
Great For The Environment
By reducing waste, raw material consumption and CO2 used to produce, package and transport new products.
Great For Business
By generating a social value, net zero and circular economy report that demonstrates to your staff, clients and the wider community that you care.
Great For The Community
By distributing quality kit to good causes so that they can focus their funds on carrying out core work.
The Impact
Value Donated To The Community
CO2e Avoided
Diverted From Landfill